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리소스 목록
(정부에 의해 운영되는 프로그램들은 각 목록 최상단에 이탤릭체로 기재되어 있습니다)
리소스 핼프라인/추천
Gwinnett Health and Human Services Division, “I Need Help" Website: gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/communityservices/healthandhumanservices/ineedhelp
Gwinnett Helpline: (770) 995-3339, gwinnettcoalition.org/helpline
United Way 2-1-1 Contact Center: dial 211, unitedwayatlanta.org/need-help (7일 24시간)
일반 지원/프로그램
OneStop Norcross: (678) 225-5400, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/communityservices/healthhumanservices/onestopnorcrossandseniorcenter (건강, 교육, 레크리에이션 등 관련 프로그램)
Atlanta Legal Aid, Gwinnett Public Benefits Project (“법률지원” 참조)
Goodwill of North Georgia, Peachtree Corners Store & Donation Center: (770) 734-9394, goodwillng.org/locations/peachtree-corners-store-donation-center-30092
Ninth District Opportunity: (678) 225-5427, ndo.org (유치원, 자립 지원)
Norcross Cooperative Ministry, (770) 263-8268, norcrossco-op.org
Partnership for Community Action: (404) 929-2500, pcaction.org
Rainbow Village: (770) 497-1888, rainbowvillage.org
Salvation Army: (770) 724-1660, salvationarmyatlanta.org/lawrenceville
St. Vincent De Paul: (770) 458-9607, lourdesatlanta.org/society-of-st-vincent-de-paul
아동 및 가족
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: 1-877-255-4254, qualityrated.org (보육 서비스 추천)
Georgia Division of Family and Children Services: (678) 518-5600, dfcs.georgia.gov (입양, 위탁 돌봄, 아동학대, Medicaid/SNAP/TANF 혜택)
Peachcare for Kids (“의료지원” 참조)
Home of Hope, (678) 546-8770, homeofhopegcs.org (쉼터)
Ninth District Opportunity (“일반 지원/프로그램” 참조)
Ser Familia: (678) 363-3079, serfamilia.org (라틴 아메리칸 위주)
상업/소공상인 사업 개발
U.S. Small Business Administration, Georgia District Office: (470) 891-5576, sba.gov/offices/district/ga/atlanta
Georgia Small Business Development Center, Gwinnett Office: (678) 985-6820, georgiasbdc.org/gwinnett-office (Office of Minority Business Development 참조, (470) 268-5793, georgiasbdc.org/minority)
Partnership Gwinnett, Entrepreneur Guide: (770) 232.3000, gwinnettentrepreneur.com/special-assistance
Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: (404) 929-9998, ghcc.org
ACE Women's Business Center: (678) 335-5600, aceloans.org
Southwest Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce: (678) 906-4078, southwestgwinnettchamber.com
Lilburn Business Association: , lilburnbusiness.org
Gateway85: (770) 449-6542, gateway85.com
Georgia Crisis & Access Line: 1-800-715-4225, dbhdd.georgia.gov (7일 24시간)
Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Region 3 Field: (404) 244.5050, dbhdd.georgia.gov/region-3-field-office (발달 장애 관련 면담 및 평가 포함)
Office of Disability Services Ombudsman: (404) 656-4261 or 1-866-424-7577, dso.georgia.gov
Creative Enterprises: (770) 962-3908, creativeenterprises.org
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children, (770) 491-9014, fodac.org
재난 (긴급상황 시 911)
Gwinnett County Police, Emergency Management Office: (770) 513-5600, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/Departments/Police/EmergencyManagement (재난 대비 및 대응)
American Red Cross: (404) 876-3302, redcross.org/local/georgia.html (재난 지원)
Georgia Cares Hotline: 1-844-8GA-DMST, gacares.org (아동 성적 학대 및 인신매매, 7일 24시간)
Atlanta Legal Aid, Gwinnett Family Violence Project (“법률지원” 참조)
Caminar Latino: (404) 413.6348, or if need immediate help, 1-800-334-2836, caminarlatino.org (라틴 아메리칸 위주)
Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Crisis Line: (678) 824-6189, cpacs.org (7일 24시간)
Home of Hope (“아동 및 가족” 참조)
Mosaic Georgia, Crisis Line: 1-866-900-6019, mosaicgeorgia.org (7일 24시간)
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-88-373-7888, or text 233733, humantraffickinghotline.org
Noor Family Services: (470) 589-775, noorfamilyservices.org (이민자/난민 위주)
Out of Darkness Hotline: (404) 941-6024, outofdarkness.org (인신매매, 7일 24시간)
Partnership Against Domestic Violence Crisis Line: (404) 873-1766, padv.org (7일 24시간)
Rainbow Village (“일반 지원/프로그램” 참조)
Raksha: 1-866-725-7423, raksha.org (남아시안 위주)
Street Grace: 1-888-373-7888, streetgrace.org (아동 성적 학대)
Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence: (404) 688-9436, wrcdv.org
USDA National Hunger Hotline: 1-866-3-HUNGRY, or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (스페인어), hungerfreeamerica.org
Norcross Cooperative Ministry (“일반 지원/프로그램” 참조)
Gwinnett County Career Center: (770) 840-2200, dol.georgia.gov/location/gwinnett-county
Gwinnett County Government Jobs: (770) 822.7915, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/employment
Creative Enterprises: (770) 962-3908, creativeenterprises.org
Goodwill of North Georgia, Pleasant Hill Career Center: 770-564-2447, goodwillng.org/locations/pleasant-hill-store-donation-center-30096
의료지원 (긴급상황 시 911)
Gwinnett County Health Department, Norcross Health Center: (770) 638-5700, gnrhealth.com/locations/gwinnett/norcross-health-center
Medicaid: 1-866-211-0950, medicaid.georgia.gov
Peachcare for Kids: 1-877-427-3224, dch.georgia.gov/peachcare-kid (아동을 위한 Medicaid)
Prescription Drug Discount Program, 1-800-931-8872, coast2coastrx.com
Right from the Start Medical Assistance Group: 1-877-427-3224, medicaid.georgia.gov/right-start-medical-assistance-group
Four Corners Primary Care Centers, Inc: (770) 806-2928, fcpchealth.com
Good Samaritan Health Center of Gwinnett: (678) 280-6630, goodsamgwinnett.org
Hope Clinic Gwinnett: (770) 685-1300, hopeclinicgwinnett.info
Planned Parenthood, Gwinnett Center: (404) 688-9300, plannedparenthood.org/health-center/georgia/lawrenceville/30043/gwinnett-center-2271-90330 (성 및 생식건강)
Positive Impact Health Centers: (770) 962-8396, positiveimpacthealthcenters.org (HIV/AIDS 위주)
Social Security Administration: 1-800-772-1213 (Medicare 가입)
Truth’s Community Clinic: (770) 277-4675, truthsclinic.org
View Point Health: (678) 209-2411, myviewpointhealth.org
Another Chance of Atlanta: (678) 974-5989, anotherchanceofatlanta.org
Family Promise of Gwinnett County: (678) 376-8950, familypromisegwinnett.org
Home of Hope (“아동 및 가족” 참조)
Rainbow Village (“일반 지원/프로그램” 참조)
주택 및 주거 관련
Georgia Department of Community Affairs: (770) 806-5050, dca.ga.gov/contact (Section 8 주택, 자택소유)
Gwinnett County Community Development Program: (678) 518-6008, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/financialservices/servicedivision/grants/hudprograms
Norcross Housing Authority: (770) 448-3668, norcrossga.net/113/Housing-Authority
HomeSafe Georgia: (770) 806-2100 or 1-877-519-4443 (영어 & 스페인어), homesafegeorgia.com (모기지 지원)
Victory World Church, Home Repair and Cleaning Services: victoryatl.com/homerepairandcleaningservices
Gwinnett County Solicitor’s Office Victim/Witness Assistance Program: (770) 822-8300, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/solicitor/victimwitness
Atlanta Legal Aid, Gwinnett County Office: (678) 376-4545, atlantalegalaid.org (Gwinnett Family Violence Project, Gwinnett Public Benefits Project, and Hispanic Outreach Law Project 에 대한 추가 정보를 위해 gwinnettflc.atlantalegalaid.org/gwinnett-legal-aid-projects 참조)
Catholic Charities Atlanta, Immigration Legal Services: (678) 222-3920, catholiccharitiesatlanta.org/immigration-legal-services (“다문화/이민자 및 난민” 참조)
정신건강 및 약물남용 (위기상황 지원 포함)
Georgia Crisis & Access Line: 1-800-715-4225, dbhdd.georgia.gov (7일 24시간)
Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Region 3 Field: (404) 244.5050, dbhdd.georgia.gov/region-3-field-office
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, or 1-888-628-9454 (스페인어)
Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741
The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386, or text START to 678678 (LGBTQ 아동청소년 위주)
다문화/이민자 및 난민
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta: (404) 585-8446, advancingjustice-atlanta.org
Asian American Resource Center: (770) 270-0663, aarc-atlanta.org (ESL)
Atlanta Legal Aid, Hispanic Outreach Law Project (“법률지원” 참조)
Catholic Charities Atlanta, Immigration Legal Services (“법률지원” 참조)
Center for Pan Asian Community Services: (770) 936-0969, cpacs.org
Good Shepherd Services: (770) 455-9379, goodshepherdatl.org (아시안 난민/이민자 위주)
Latin American Association, Norcross Outreach Center: (678) 205-1018, thelaa.org
New American Pathways: (404) 299-6217, newamericanpathways.org (난민 위주)
Noor Family Services: (470) 589-775, noorfamilyservices.org (이민자/난민 위주)
Raksha: 1-866-725-7423, raksha.org (남아시안 위주)
Tapestri: (404) 299-2185, tapestri.org (난민 위주)
Gwinnett County, Senior Services: (404) 463-3333 or (678) 377-4150, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/communityservices/healthhumanservices/seniorservices
Norcross Senior Center: (678) 225-5430 (위 웹사이트 참조)
AARP Foundation Local Assistance Directory: local.aarpfoundation.org
Gwinnett County Transit: (770) 822-5010, gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/transportation/gwinnettcountytransit (장애우 및 고령자를 위한 접근성 서비스 포함). Norcross / Lilburn 버스 노선 20 & 30: bit.ly/36pWq8z
Georgia Department of Veterans Service: (404) 656-2300, veterans.georgia.gov
Gwinnett County Veterans Resource Center: (678) 226-9177, gwinnettcoalition.org/veterans-resources
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, or text 838255, veteranscrisisline.net
커뮤니티 자원봉사
(“리소스 목록” 하 단체 참조)
Volunteer Gwinnett, Gwinnett County Department of Community Services: (770) 822-7955, volunteergwinnett.net,muriam.nafees@gwinnettcounty.com (다양한 분야)
American Association of Retired Persons, Georgia Office: 1-866-295-7281, local.aarp.org/atlanta-ga/volunteering, gaaarp@aarp.org; Gwinnett Chapter: aarpchapter2714gwinnett.com/contact_us.aspx (고령자)
American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia: (770) 303-8111, action.aclu.org/webform/ga-volunteer, info@acluga.org (시민권리)
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta: (404) 585-8446, advancingjustice-atlanta.org, info@advancingjustice-atlanta.org (아시안 아메리칸)
Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials: 1-888-54GALEO, galeo.org/join-galeo/volunteer, harvey@galeo.org (라틴 아메리칸)
Georgia Equality: (404) 523-3070, georgiaequality.org/volunteer, melinda@georgiaequality.org (LGBT)
Georgians for a Healthy Future: (404) 567-5016, healthyfuturega.org/get-involved/participate/volunteer, info@healthyfuturega.org (의료지원)
Georgia Muslim Voter Project: (470) 222-6517, gamvp.org/?page_id=701
Indivisible GA4: indivisiblega04.org; GA7: facebook.com/IndivisibleGA7 (제 4선거구 및 제7 선거구)
New American Pathways: (404) 299-6099, newamericanpathways.org/volunteer, volunteerengagement@newamericanpathways.org (난민)
Sierra Club: (404) 607-1262, sierraclub.org/georgia/volunteer, gasierraclub@gmail.com (환경보호)